The complete enterprise solution

Lucernex: Real Estate Management Software

lucernex product

Maintain Compliance with Financial Reporting Standards

Lucernex has a 100% success rate helping teams get into compliance with FASB ASC 842, IASB IFRS 16, GASB 87, and more

Simplify Project Management

Streamline location constrution, openings, and capital improvement projects and eliminate threats to your budget or schedule

Manage Leases With Ease

Integrate with critical tools and centralise documentation and data for streamlined lease administration and accounting

Optimise Your Real Estate Portfolio

Save time and resources by automating your real estate selection and site approval process – so you can make better decisions quickly and optimise your portfolio

Discover Lucernex, the best real estate management software designed to streamline every phase of your property journey. Accruent's Lucernex platform is a versatile real estate transaction management software that covers everything from site planning and construction to lease administration with precision and ease.

Our lease agreements typically are built off of a pro-rata share of a mall. Lucernex easily handles [this] while improving the thoroughness of our lease audits to ensure we capture the highest rent savings possible.
Kimberly Williams
    Regional VP of Real Estate, Genesco

Lucernex Products

Lx Contracts

Maintain compliance with financial reporting standards. Lease accounting and administration software helps you accurately calculate lease and expense obligations, identify underperforming assets, and ensure team efficiency. 

Lx Markets & Sites

Leverage real-time analytics and compress site selection cycle times with marketing planning and site selection software. Understand market conditions, make informed decisions and conclude negotiations faster.

Lx Projects

Powerful construction project management software means you effortlessly manage new retail construction, grand openings and capital improvement projects with data-driven insights, all on time and within budget. 

Lx Transaction Management

Connect your contracts, site planning, projects and transactions. As part of your integrated workplace management system, Lx Transaction Management is an integrated solution that helps you manage the real estate transaction lifecycle. 


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What types of real estate portfolios does Lucernex support?

Lucernex is the right solution for real estate portfolios of various sizes and different property types. It is capable of handling both commercial and residential portfolios.

From site planning to construction, lease management to building maintenance, Lucernex supports organisations at any phase of their real estate management process.

We support various commercial sectors as well, including healthcare, industrial, and educational facilities.


How does Lucernex improve property management processes?

The property management process can be all-consuming without robust real estate management software in your corner.

Track and manage all property activities from the acquisition phase to routine maintenance checks. Stay on top of your portfolio with frequent alerts sent to your phone. Automate lease-related processes including tracking contracts, critical dates, and rent payments.

Analyse property workflows using real-time reporting and analytics, accessible from any device.


Can Lucernex integrate with other business systems?

Lucernex recognises the need for seamless integration with lease administration and accounting tools commonly used in the real estate industry.

Centralised documentation is a focal point of Lucernex’s approach to real estate management, so integration is an important component of this focus.

Seamless integration reduces the likelihood of errors and improves the accuracy of reporting. Users can pull data in from multiple sources to easily gauge KPIs. Lucernex easily integrates with ERPs and other business applications geared towards simplicity.


What benefits does Lucernex offer for financial management in real estate?

Lucernex’s range of benefits include financial reporting, expense tracking, and comprehensive forecasting. Organisations can configure the platform to display the exact metrics which will move the needle.

Lower the chances of overrunning your budgetary goals with a proven fiscal management tool. Breakdown all critical items, including lease terms, rental income, and anticipated or unforeseen expenses.

Integrate Lucernex with your favorite accounting software and do not miss a beat.


Will Lucernex help increase my real estate portfolio?

Thanks to the ability to keep your properties and workflows better organised, you will have more time to pursue deals and grow your real estate portfolio.

Lucernex takes many logistical concerns off your plate, automating tasks and giving you more freedom to grow your business.

Keep better track of your financial data with the Lucernex real estate management software so you know exactly what’s possible.