
Take Control of Unwieldy Documentation with Meridian Server

Don't let poor engineering documentation management be your Achilles heel. Meridian Server is a proven on-premises engineering document management system that gives you the power to take control of complex and often unwieldy engineering and asset information for greater productivity, workplace safety, and regulatory compliance.  

Accruent Meridian Server dashboard; engineering document management system

What Sets Meridian Server Apart?

Data Integrity and Consistency

Meridian offers built-in consistency checks for mandatory metadata, missing reference files, and content availability. Automatic document rendering improves collaboration and facilitates the online review and approval process.

EAM/CMMS Integrations

Even with a robust EAM/CMMS platform, critical documentation — such as complex engineering documents, facility documentation, CAD drawings, and technical documents — often can't be readily accessed or updated due to unavailability or constant change. Integrating Meridian to your enterprise assessment management/computer maintenance management system can help you access all your crucial information and share field-related changes with document owners.

Concurrent Engineering

Your organisation will never just run just one change at once. Meridian Server provides concurrent engineering to support changes in multiple documents for multiple projects simultaneously for a much faster and more agile management approach.

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