
AOEM: Accruent Observe for Energy Management

Accruent Observe

Cut Out the Noise

Focus on alarms and alerts that matter with alarm filtering and customizable alerts

Maximize Energy Transparency

Understand consumption in real-time and filter by energy type or date range

Simplify Sustainability

Use consolidated, easy-to-understand data to easily meet sustainability goals

Harness the Power of IoT

Monitor, target, verify, and forecast energy data with sophisticated functionality

Effectively manage risk, reach energy consumption targets, lower costs, and meet carbon-neutral goals

AOEM Pricing Calculator

Effectively manage risk, reach energy consumption targets, lower costs, and meet carbon-neutral goals with this smart energy management software

What Makes Accruent Observe for Energy Management Stand Out?

AOEM has been at the forefront of groundbreaking innovation in the field of energy management

Holistic dashboards

All insights are provided on a single dashboard based on all energy consumption. Generate dashboard alerts, allowing immediate action on consumption issues.

Comprehensive automations

Accruent Observe for Energy Management’s automations integrate bills, energy meters and high energy consuming assets, utilizing sources such as maintenance history and weather data.

Project tracking

With AOEM’s baseline modeling capability, you can edit and remove baselines with ease, as well as model different energy scenarios in just a few clicks.

Weather normalization

Automatically normalize your baselines with hyper-local weather data and remove the effect of ambient weather conditions so you can ensure you have clean, consistent points of comparison across different periods or locations.

Smart alerts

Alarm filtering and customizable alerts help you cut out the noise and simplify proactive decision-making.

Sophisticated baselining

Multiple baselines – including rolling 7-day averages, past consumption, and version-controlled, site-specific baselines – provide you with the flexibility you need with your monitoring and targeting (M&T) activities.

ROI Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is energy management system software?

Energy Management Software (EMS) is a tool designed to monitor, control, and optimize energy consumption within a facility.

This allows for more attainable carbon-neutral goal setting while keeping costs under control.

Users can combat surging energy costs during periods of high demand, reduce overall consumption within a facility, and collect sustainability reporting to remain on top of their impact.

Are energy management systems worth it?

Yes, energy management systems not only save money, but they also increase uptime and help users make more educated decisions on how to regulate their energy usage.

An EMS makes it easy to manage your sustainability targets thanks to real time data. It can also highlight areas of growth within your existing energy distribution equipment.

Understand where power quality issues might exist within your facility and get proactive insights on how to rectify them.

What are the four primary functions of an energy management system?

A reliable EMS should successfully meet four primary functions: data monitoring, automation, reporting, and future planning.

Data related to energy consumption and production should be identified across all energy-consuming systems. This includes HVAC equipment, lighting sources, and manufacturing tools.

Effective monitoring helps highlight problem areas so that organizations can curtail these inefficiencies fast.

The EMS can then process that data and set automated rules and schedules to optimize energy usage. After a period of time, the analysis and reporting phase begins.

Based on this acquired information, the EMS helps organizations implement better strategies for optimizing energy usage while reducing costs.

These four core functions help create a more comprehensive approach for energy management.

What is the ROI of energy efficiency?

ROI of energy efficiency is the combined savings acquired from energy efficiency improvements, including reduced energy usage, lowered maintenance costs, and improved productivity.

ROI is simply calculated by subtracting the total costs from the anticipated savings, then dividing them by the total costs and multiplying by 100 (for a percentage).

Using Accruent’s Observe Energy Management (AOEM), your energy efficiency ROI can be calculated across a variety of industries and use cases.

How does EMS differ from BAS?

An energy management system (EMS) and a building automation system (BAS) both offer a streamlined way to manage a building’s functionalities, but there are a few key differences at play.

A BAS’s primary focus is on control of a building’s systems, automating functions like HVAC controls, lighting, alarm systems and security functions. An EMS is specific to the energy realm, maximizing energy savings and providing insights for better usage.

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