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Navigating the Changing Global Workplace

The workplace is in a constant state of flux, which raises the stakes for getting workplace strategy right. Here’s a look at the ever-changing workplace and what’s affecting the people, places, and assets you manage.

April 19, 2023
4 min read

In 2023, the global workforce continues to experience a significant shift, with technological advancements, changing societal values, and economic pressures playing major roles. One of the most significant changes is how and where people get their work done.

While some organizations are returning to in-person work, others are embracing the remote work trend. With the rise of automation, artificial intelligence, and other tech trends, many companies are exploring hybrid work models to maximize the benefits of both in-person and remote collaboration. In this blog, we'll examine the latest work and tech trends that are driving the changing global workforce and explore how businesses can best navigate this new environment.

The Changing Global Workplace

A changing workplace brings changing workplace boundaries. Work doesn't just take place within the four walls of the office. And for many knowledge workers, it's no longer a 9-5 world.

Work can take place in a cafe before a client meeting, in a co-working space, or late at night after the kids have gone to bed. Of course, most employees don't want to be on call 24/7, but they appreciate the flexibility to work on their terms versus on a set schedule by the employer.

Employers must navigate new job classifications and the newest technology and digital trends that enable flexible work. Traditional job descriptions are changing to skill based, with employees often wearing multiple hats.

Employers also need to consider the human components of hybrid work, because many employees realized over the last few years that they enjoy the work-life balance that comes with not having to commute to an office every day. Companies need to plan for which positions are suitable for a hybrid work arrangement, while keeping in mind situations that truly require in-person collaboration.

The Future Workplace is Now

In 2021, just 42% of organizations had embraced hybrid work, but that number is expected to grow to a whopping 81% by 2024, according to an AT&T study. The future is now when it comes to hybrid work. Despite return-to-office mandates and the push and pull between corporations and employees, organizations are starting to find a balance that works for both the company and the workforce.

Employers must keep an ear on what their employees want in their working environment. A recent survey by McKinsey & Company found that top CEOs identified disruptive technology, the economy, and geopolitics as the most important trends to act on in 2023.

Top Global Technology Trends

Facilities Managers and IT departments need to work together to select and implement the technology that enables their workplace strategy, reduces unnecessary real estate costs, and increases employee satisfaction. We see four big trends coming into play in 2023 and beyond.

Optimizing space with technology

Few organizations can afford unused or underutilized spaces, and they’re turning to technology to help them make informed space management decisions. This encompasses real estate footprint, energy management, and space scheduling to optimize workspace bookings for when teams meet in person.

Cloud-based collaboration and workspace solutions

Businesses that undergo cloud transformation will be well-positioned to succeed in the modern workplace. Information from multiple points of view needs to be combined into a collaborative format, whether it's through shared documentation like OneDrive or Office, or meeting tools like Zoom and Teams. Collaborative tools like Miro whiteboards are also popular for brainstorming online in real time. Cloud investments not only increase productivity, but also help organizations gain a competitive advantage.

Adaptive AI and Machine Learning

The digital workplace is undergoing a huge transformation with advancements of AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT. Even with a simple desk booking solution, machine learning can determine how often coworkers collaborate and suggest times and spaces that work best for all parties. AI tools can also do analyses of existing office footprints and help you build out trends for understanding how your space is being used.


Connection and analysis of vast amounts of data from devices and machines like occupancy sensors can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer and employee experience.

Find Out More

To learn more about the latest workspace technology trends, watch the on-demand recording from our recent webinar, Top 2023 Tech Trends for the Changing Global Workplace. Our panel of workplace experts dives deep into these topics and shares real-world examples of companies who are leading in these exciting trends.

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April 19, 2023