In early 2020, we refreshed the Accruent brand, including a new logo, visual identity and a foundational reimagining of our corporate mission.

With this refresh, we have moved from an assortment of products to a strategic collection of purpose-built industry solutions backed by the Accruent brand – a brand that our customers recognize and trust, regardless of the solutions they use.

Part of this refresh also involved better understanding and redefining the value that Accruent delivers in the market. After working closely with customers, market analysts and the entire Accruent team, we determined this value should be front and center with our new tagline: Intelligence for the Built Environment.

What is the Built Environment?

The built environment is everything man-made that we interact with every day – from the buildings and spaces we work in, to the technology powering these spaces, to the physical and digital assets we manage and work with daily.

And within the built environment are the people working to support these physical resources, ensuring that every aspect that impacts the human experience does so in a positive way.

Accruent - Blog Post - Understanding Your Built Environment

All of these elements – both physical and human – are connected by a complex system of technology solutions intended to help manage every aspect of the built environment, from real estate leases to asset maintenance to room and event scheduling.

These solutions are critical to keeping an organization ecosystem running. That means staying compliant with government regulations, maintaining a high level of security from external threats and managing day-to-day tasks as efficiently as possible.

When these systems and solutions are working together, it results in an environment where people can work efficiently and effectively in order to drive business forward.

Accruent - Blog Post - Understanding Your Built Environment

Why is the Built Environment Important?

The design of a built environment impacts every experience someone has within it – from customers to patients to students to employees. It impacts how people work, how happy they are, how efficiently they can get work done, and even how customers experience your space.

Moreover, every industry and organization has its own unique built environment, one with specific needs, requirements and goals for success. But what stays consistent between any built environment is the fact that optimizing someone’s experience within it is critical to organizational success.

As organizations continue to scale and grow to meet the needs of their customers, their built environments continue to become even more complex. Systems and departments end up siloed, and legacy or manual solutions begin to show their limitations. And all of this is then amplified by the need to implement strategic changes and keep up with growth across the organization.

So, companies continue to purchase more solutions, investing in cloud software, mobile technology, security and compliance software, and even big data, all in an attempt to alleviate these challenges and avoid the long-term consequences of doing nothing all.

But these investments are creating even more complexity. In this world of connected infrastructures, complicated workflows and unintuitive tools, untrustworthy data points end up producing hard-to-decipher reports that offer no more clarity or insight for making big-picture decisions than organizations had before.

Still, there is opportunity. Just below the surface, hidden in these complex systems and endless data points are the valuable insights that can help your company achieve significant strategic wins – but only if you have access to the full picture.

Accruent - Blog Post - Understanding Your Built Environment

Accruent: Intelligence for the Built Environment

At Accruent, we are experts in the built environment. We understand the complexities and nuances of every unique space regardless of industry as well as the challenges and opportunities that organizations face every day.

We have developed this knowledge and expertise from working with so many incredible organizations across the globe, giving us a level of insight that not many companies have, including best practices and proven methods for success.

Our software capitalizes on the hidden opportunity within each organization’s built environment. Looking beyond product-specific reporting capabilities, our suite of solutions can offer a higher-level view; a way to see the full picture by collecting data from multiple systems to provide more valuable strategic insights across the business. We are using this level of clarity and visibility to set new expectations for how organizations use data to make decisions and increasing the level of certainty that can ultimately be achieved.

Achieving alignment and strategic clarity over the entire organization – not just one-off solutions or individual departments – is such a critical aspect of success that we have made it our mission: to fundamentally change the way people use data to run their built environment and transform the way people and systems work together.

Looking Toward the Future

Accruent solutions are helping organizations look below the surface – and beyond the chaos — to unlock those deeper insights and drive better performance.

It is all about replacing siloed processes and indecipherable reports with easy-to-use, collaborative solutions that produce measurable results. You need solutions that are intuitive, seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows, and illuminate possibilities that you could not see before – so you can achieve results that you never knew were possible.

Accruent is focused on building and delivering these best-in-class solutions so you can maximize the performance of your built environment, streamline your day-to-day operations and ultimately focus on what matters – driving your business forward.

Watch this short video to see how Accruent is transforming the built environment.