Engineering Records – drawings, documents, models, manuals, point cloud data, and more – are critical to the ongoing operations and maintenance of critical infrastructure.
RedEye was designed specifically to help asset owners and operators manage these records efficiently and effectively.
Why engineering records
Engineering Records are foundational to the successful operations and maintenance of any complex asset – they are regularly referenced by almost the entire business, are updated whenever assets are, and also serve as a critical component of a successful health and safety strategy.
At RedEye we believe that managing these critical records shouldn't be complex, and have designed our solution to empower asset owners to minimize the time spent managing and supporting them.
By applying the three steps below to the management of your Engineering Records, you'll be sure to improve productivity, reduce costs, and support health and safety.
Phase One
Taking Control
There is significant value in the legacy, historical engineering records that asset owners currently have, even though they may not be accessible or available to the people that need them.
RedEye has a series of tools built specifically for organizations to ingest these large volumes of legacy data, clean them, and make them searchable:
- Binary Data De-Duplication
- Non-Binary File Clean Up
- Structured Metadata Management
- Unstructured Metadata Extraction:
RedEye's EDMS has an OCR engine that can automatically scrape latin text of many different file formats; including auto-extracting CAD tags from the title block.
Our goal is to allow our clients to take control of their existing engineering records as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
Phase two
Maintaining Control
Once the time and capital has been invested in taking control of your legacy engineering records, asset owners must put controls in place to manage new records as they are created, as well as managing updates to the existing dataset.
RedEye supports ongoing records management through unique tools like:
- Business Process Management Workflows:
Business processes that automatically manage changes and updates, with a focus on Transparency, Accountability, and Optimization.
Engineering records management must account for both changes via ongoing operations, as well as large scale changes resulting from capital projects.
Maintaining control of your engineering records means keeping all your CAD files, 3D models, and legacy drawing and documents in the same place – RedEye.
RedEye has several modules, all designed to complement each other and provide the foundations of BIM for asset ownership.
By following these two steps, an asset owning organization now has the correct business processes established to manage their cleaned and accurate engineering records in perpetuity.
Phase three
Sharing and Communication
The value-add of engineering records isn't in having them clean and maintained – it’s in having them available and accessible to all relevant parties.
RedEye has been designed with this in mind:
RedEye DMS allows asset owners to bridge the hard copy / digital divide.
RedEye’s commercial model is fundamentally built around the concept of access for all relevant parties. Internal colleagues and external users, as required.
With native apps for iOS and Android – both of which include robust offline functionality – users can access accurate, up-to-date engineering records from anywhere.
This functionality is critical, as it provides a feedback loop to support Phase Two (Maintaining Control), setting up the organization for long term success.
If you'd like to discuss your organization's Engineering Document Management capability, contact the team today.