White Paper

Meridian Cloud Portal

Turbocharge collaboration with external engineering contractors, reduce hidden costs, and maintain compliance using a secure cloud-based collaboration portal.

For owners and operators, outsourcing engineering, procurement, construction, and maintenance (EPCM) activities to contractors have many advantages. Lower maintenance costs, increased asset reliability, uptime, and output, to name a few.  

However, effective collaboration with contractors can often be challenging. Finding and accessing accurate documentation, controlling critical asset-related project information, and secure document exchange and handover are all roadblocks that can lead to unexpected data entry, validation, and handling costs.

To overcome these hurdles, more and more organizations are switching to a secure, cloud-based collaboration portal. One where all stakeholders can contribute, deliver, review, approve, and validate asset-related engineering data and documents during a plant or asset’s engineering and construction phase.

In the Meridian Cloud Portal whitepaper, you’ll learn: 

  • The importance of project and asset management
  • About outsourcing and why it makes sense to use a secure, cloud-based collaboration portal 
  • Why Accruent’s best-in-class collaboration solution — Meridian Cloud Portal — can help you overcome contractor collaboration challenges, including a deep dive into its capabilities, processes, and benefits.
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