White Paper

Optimizing Your Company's Space and Facility Management in 2024 and Beyond

Understand recent real estate & facility management trends and learn how to respond effectively as an organization

Do you find your decision-makers, workplace strategists, space planners, and employees increasingly stressed about your space management, your corporate footprint, and making the right workplace decisions? If so, you’re far from alone.  

Campus and office workplace strategies have a direct and growing impact on a business’ bottom line – and getting space management right is taking center stage on many business agendas. Particularly in the ever-evolving post-COVID workplace, companies are under constant pressure to reduce costs and increase productivity, while at the same time creating engaging spaces that support new workplace norms like flexible hybrid work.  

To meet these pressures and expectations, organizations must be able to effectively manage and optimize the use of their office spaces. Monitoring lease expirations, lowering maintenance costs, minimizing downtime, effectively managing space utilization, understanding headcount – these are all must-haves in this process.  

In ‘Optimizing Your Company’s Space and Facility Management in 2024 and Beyond,’ you will find out:

  • Current trends in real estate and facility management
  • Strategies that will enable you to respond effectively as an organization
  • Types of technology and software that can help
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