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Expand your Store's Revenue Weeks with a Site Selection Tool

Learn how you can strategically plan for where you’d like to expand with Real Estate Planner, a tool for crafting expansion plans to support your mission

May 4, 2021

When the only constant is change, “what’s next?” is the right question to ask about your company. Yes, budgeting and planning go far when looking towards the future, but using a site selection tool to expand your store’s revenue weeks – can take your company further into a successful future.

Plan strategically for future growth

Having a personal realtor that understands your store mission and plans for growth is unlikely, so a site selection tool that can assist you in crafting your strategic plan is crucial. There are so many factors for selecting the site, not just any site, but the site for your retail store.

Real Estate Planner is an invaluable tool within our Markets and Site Selection solution that enables you to strategically plan for where you’d like to expand in the future, allowing you to craft expansion plans to support your mission. You can set up different regions and markets, including internationally, within the tool that help define “Real Estate Targets” that may interest you. Then, you can monitor these targets throughout the site selection process to assess whether these targets are being fulfilled, reducing a significant amount of time for determining status within a site selection process.

Build faster for faster revenue weeks

Ask any retailer searching for a new site – the number one goal is how quickly that new store can be up and running. If a retailer can scout locations and specify timeframes for growth and expansion – from the beginning of an expansion project – there is a clear and defined path to the end goal: serving customers.

Analyze to your advantage

Utilizing a site selection tool like Real Estate Planner allows users to compare timeframes against baseline project schedules, allowing retailers to set and maintain realistic expectations for an open date. An open date means bringing in revenue and continuing the cycle for growth. In addition, Real Estate Planner is a real estate lifecycle tool that can help analyze current stores and sites. Because Real Estate Planner can be utilized in any analytics platform, you can gain valuable insight into the decisions made and whether you need to pivot for future growth or builds.

A site selection tool like Accruent’s Real Estate Planner helps you set targets, find property more quickly, and build and open stores, leaving little room for a frustrating, non-transparent experience.

Accruent’s market planning and site selection tool, Lucernex uses real-time insights to help you build your stores faster. A faster build means you’Real Estate ahead of schedule and those weeks would have been dedicated to a final walkthrough and QA are now revenue weeks, which means your bottom line just got a little sweeter.

Leverage real-time, actionable insights with Accruent – request a demo today!

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May 4, 2021