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Work Order Management for EMS with FAMIS 360

Get the best of both worlds when you combine our CMMS and workplace management — seamless work orders, improved communication, and increased event success.

March 2, 2021
5 min read

With EMS and FAMIS 360, events organizations can now natively create, update, monitor and manage FAMIS 360 work orders from within the EMS Desktop Client. This direct connection provides a real-time, single source of truth for both the event coordination team and the services departments they rely upon to execute flawless events.

Last-minute changes come with the territory of planning and executing events. Client demands, conflicts and space or resource limitations all have the potential to derail even the most perfectly organized plan. Poor communication between events and facilities (or other work order-based teams) makes it nearly impossible to manage such changes without having a significant impact on event success, profitability or time required.

The integration between EMS and FAMIS 360 for work order management aims to remedy this challenge by embedding key information in both parties’ existing workflows.

Features of the Integration

Create work orders from EMS

Events teams managing operations with EMS can adopt the EMS-FAMIS 360 integration to enable work order creation from directly within the booking in EMS. Creating work orders is a single click from within the EMS Desktop Client administrator application (see image, below). You can create the work order with a request type that ensures it routes to the appropriate team in FAMIS 360, specify start and/or end times and add all of the necessary descriptive details to ensure the team has all they need to get the job done right, the first time.

Accruent - Blog Post - Work Order Management for EMS with FAMIS 360

The EMS-FAMIS 360 integration lets event professionals in EMS:

  • Create work orders directly from the booking in EMS.
  • Set the proper request type to route the work in FAMIS 360.
  • Specify start and/or end times.
  • Add descriptive details to inform the work.
  • Cancel work orders that are no longer needed.

Request a Demo of EMS + FAMIS 360

Manage work orders in FAMIS 360

Once created, event work orders are automatically routed through FAMIS 360 to the appropriate team, where a team lead can then assign(or enable auto-assignment of) incoming work orders. Once assigned, work orders can be updated to reflect current status, priority, changes and any other details. Critically, technicians executing the work orders can add comments to the work order that are immediately available to the events coordinator in EMS.

Accruent - Blog Post - Work Order Management for EMS with FAMIS 360

The EMS-FAMIS 360 integration lets facilities professionals in FAMIS 360:

  • Receive, accept and distribute work orders.
  • Automatically assign work orders to the correct technicians.
  • Update work order status and add comments that immediately sync with EMS.
  • Track all work order in one consolidated location.

Always be up-to-date

Users at both ends of the integration can see work order status and add comments at any time while the work order is open. Last minute changes can be put in front of the technician and immediately in the system they review countless times in a day to ensure the work meets the most up-to-date needs the first time.

Accruent - Blog Post - Work Order Management for EMS with FAMIS 360

Benefits of the EMS-FAMIS 360 Integration

Real-time visibility for every event

Campus events professionals can stay within the workflow they use every day (EMS) and extend their coordination reach across departments to get more done with less effort and less room for errors. Move away from long email threads, disorganized notes or shared documents and panicked phone calls to track down technicians in the field with a direct connection between events and service providers (facilities, A/V services, custodial, etc.) that use FAMIS 360 for work order management. Capture changes, even at the last minute, and know confidently that they were received by the right person at the right time.

Accruent - Blog Post - Work Order Management for EMS with FAMIS 360

Better communication and visibility between teams

Creating a direct line of communication within the workflows that events and service professionals use every day significantly reduces the need for ad-hoc communications that have no indication of receipt and can be very difficult to track over time. Integrating EMS and FAMIS 360 enables users to:

  • React quickly to changes without the clutter of email or inconvenience of phone calls.
  • Quickly add comments to work orders from EMS.
  • Track comments sent from FAMIS 360.
  • Keep information always synchronized between both platforms.

Accruent - Blog Post - Work Order Management for EMS with FAMIS 360

Creating more effective and profitable service departments

Facilities teams often measure their success with metrics like hitting service level agreement (SLA) timelines, accuracy of pricing and general profitability. The enemy of all three of these is wasted time. For many teams, problems like access to space to perform a job, having to come back for rework when a job’s requirements change and completing jobs that no longer needed doing can add up to significant time and cost for the department.

Connecting the tools that events and service departments use every day and providing managers and technicians with real time information can have a direct impact on meeting SLA expectations and keeping costs in check.

When service departments can better deliver their services, it becomes much easier to keep work in-house, ultimately making the service group more profitable while keeping university resources inside the university and fostering a stronger community among staff.

Request a Demo of EMS + FAMIS 360

The Accruent Solution

The Accruent integration between EMS and FAMIS 360 improves communication between campus teams with seamless, real-time work order creation, assignment, tracking, and resolution. This is a first step in a grander vision to connect silos of data about how spaces is created, tracked, assigned, consumed, monitored, and maintained. Contact our team today to learn more about the EMS and FAMIS 360 integration.

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March 2, 2021