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5 Keys to Success When Planning Capital Equipment in Your Next Construction or Renovation Project

Learn why optimized medical capital equipment and planning can help you bring healthcare construction and renovation projects in on time and on budget.

October 5, 2019
6 min read

Construction and renovation projects in the healthcare industry are comprehensive and complex due to facility-specific demands and the ever-changing nature of medical technology and clinical developments. To optimize the outcome of your next project, you need to effectively manage a number of details in order to achieve success.

Construction and renovation projects in the healthcare industry are comprehensive and complex due to facility-specific demands and the ever-changing nature of medical technology and clinical developments. To optimize the outcome of your next project, you
  • Know your audiences
  • Involve all the essential stakeholders up-front
  • Understand the culture and purpose
  • Rethinking spreadsheets: data technology without the hassle
  • Supply chain management: streamlining procurement

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October 5, 2019