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The Industrial IoT: Is it Still Legit?

Learn how to identify key value drivers and pilot IoT solutions to effectively implement using best practices and procedures.

April 16, 2021
9 min read

The Industrial IoT is a slippery slope – and adopting new IoT tech is a decision not to be taken lightly. Yet companies have been tasked across the board to implement an IoT strategy, suffering the common belief that they will be "left behind" if they don’t.

That said, the journey is a dangerous one and few have successfully navigated their way to the promised land, a land of connectivity, effective analytics, and accurate predictive/prescriptive tasks. Join Accruent’s Vice President of Industrial Strategy, Kevin Clark, as he explores the challenges of conducting effective pilots and shares best practices to consider when trying to implement IoT.

This 30 minute webinar covers:

  • How to understand the Industry 4.0 ecosystem and find key value drivers
  • How to learn through pilots and effectively test IoT solutions
  • Key steps to take to find, pilot and scale Industry 4.0 solutions
  • How the fear of making a wrong decision may affect your IoT journey
  • Best practices to follow for a successful IoT implementation
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April 16, 2021