By 2018, it is estimated that more than 60 percent of enterprises will have at least half—if not more—of their infrastructure on cloud-based platforms. The market for cloud software continues to grow, transforming IT infrastructure for organizations from solutions that they use for managing accounting processes to tracking their real estate and facilities portfolios.

So, what exactly is cloud software? True cloud software, which may also be referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS), can be accessed from any Internet-enabled device by using a compatible web browser. Similar to accessing consumer sites like Google or your online banking site, you do not need any hardware, server or data support.

On-premises software, on the other hand, requires that you have hardware and supporting infrastructure so that your organization can host it from your location. These software solutions can be more customized to your specific needs, but can be extremely difficult and expensive to upgrade.

There is also web-based software, which serves as a mix between true cloud and on-premises software. While it can be accessed via a web browser, it does require that it must be stored on location. If you want to access the information via a mobile device, you must configure it in order to access the application.

If you are in the market for a CMMS solution, there three top reasons why you should choose the cloud:

1. Ability to Access Anywhere, Anytime

Whether you are in the basement of the building to conduct an inspection or at your company’s headquarters discussing the productivity of the maintenance team, you need to access your CMMS in real-time. With a true cloud solution, you can do that—either through the application itself via a mobile browser or with a mobile app.

Having the flexibility and capability to access anywhere, at any time, can improve the communication among your team and also drive efficiency. For instance, technicians can receive real-time alerts for when they receive new work order requests. If they are on-location, they can build that request into their task list instead of having to report back to the office to get the information, only to return to where they were working before.

In addition, choosing a true cloud solution that enables unlimited users can further enhance the productivity and efficiency of your team.

2. Scalability

As your business grows and changes, a true cloud facility and maintenance management solution can stay in line with your organization’s goals and objectives. This is done in several different ways, including:

  • Ensuring quick and easy uploads of information to support new facilities and/or equipment
  • Providing unlimited user access to ensure all stakeholders have access to a centralized database with all facility information and data
  • Offering access to unlimited support and training opportunities to ensure user adoption and understanding of the application

3. Total Cost of Ownership

Over the life of the application, a true cloud solution will be significantly less expensive than an on-premises solution. On-premises software requires that you pay separately for upgrades and updates to the software, which can be pricey depending on how many customizations that you integrated within the software, as well as how long it has been since you conducted an upgrade.

With a CMMS solution, updates and upgrades are automatically pushed to the software, taking your configurations into consideration to ensure that you are always operating on the latest version. These updates are completed on a regular basis, approximately every 30-45 days, compared to six months on average for on-premises software. This ensures that your team has the best functionality at their fingertips.

Learn the other benefits of implementing a true cloud software solution in our free white paper, "Choosing the Right Technology: Cloud vs. Hosted Software".