What is an Asset Management System?

An asset management system is software designed to track, monitor, and manage an organization's assets throughout their lifecycles. Assets can include physical items such as equipment, machinery, vehicles, or inventory, as well as intangible assets like software licenses, patents, or intellectual property.

The primary purpose of an asset management system is to provide comprehensive visibility and control over an organization's assets, allowing for efficient planning, utilization, maintenance, and disposal of those assets. It typically involves the use of specialized software or tools that enable the collection, storage, and analysis of data related to the assets, including information about their location, condition, maintenance history, depreciation, and other relevant details.

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, asset management is the systematic process of creating, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets in the most cost-effective way (this includes costs, risks, and performance of assets).  


What Are the Features of Asset Management Systems?

There are many features available when using an asset management system, including:

  • Asset tracking: The system enables the identification and tracking of assets using unique identifiers such as barcodes or RFID tags. This helps in equipment location tracking and maintaining accurate records.
  • Maintenance and scheduling: It facilitates the planning and scheduling of maintenance activities, including regular inspections, repairs, and servicing, to ensure optimal asset performance and longevity through timely preventative maintenance.
  • Asset lifecycle management: The system employs best practices for asset lifecycle management that allows for the maintenance of assets from acquisition to disposal, including procurement, depreciation tracking, and retirement or replacement planning.
  • Asset utilization and optimization: It provides insights into asset utilization rates, availability, and performance metrics to help optimize asset allocation and utilization across the organization.
  • Compliance and risk management: An asset management system may include features to ensure regulatory compliance, monitor asset-related risks, and maintain documentation for audits and reporting purposes.
  • Reporting and analytics: It offers reporting capabilities to generate customized reports on asset data, including usage, maintenance costs, depreciation, and other key performance indicators. This information can be used for strategic decision-making and resource planning.

Implementing an asset management system can result in several benefits for organizations, including improved operational efficiency, cost savings through optimized asset utilization and maintenance, better compliance, reduced downtime, and enhanced decision-making based on accurate asset data.


Why Use an Asset Management System?

There are several reasons why organizations should consider using asset management software:

  • Improved asset visibility: Asset management software provides a centralized database that allows you to track and monitor all your assets in one place. You can easily access information such as asset location, status, maintenance history, and other relevant data. This improves asset visibility and enables efficient asset tracking.
  • Enhanced efficiency and productivity: By automating manual processes and streamlining workflows, asset management software can save valuable time. It eliminates the need for spreadsheets or paper-based tracking systems, reducing human error and administrative overhead. With quick access to asset information, employees can locate assets faster, schedule maintenance tasks efficiently, and optimize asset utilization.
  • Cost savings: Effective asset management software helps optimize asset utilization and minimize downtime. By monitoring asset performance, scheduling proactive maintenance, and identifying underutilized assets, you can reduce unnecessary expenses, extend asset lifecycles, and avoid costly breakdowns or repairs. Additionally, accurate tracking and depreciation calculations assist in financial planning and budgeting. When implemented properly, organizations can experience a significant ROI on their asset management system.
  • Regulatory compliance: Many industries have specific regulations and compliance requirements regarding asset management. Asset management software can help ensure compliance by maintaining accurate records, documenting maintenance activities, and generating reports for audits or regulatory purposes. This reduces the risk of penalties or legal issues related to non-compliance.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Asset management software provides valuable insights and analytics about asset performance, utilization, and costs. By analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions about asset investments, maintenance strategies, and resource allocation. These data-driven decisions can optimize asset utilization, reduce costs, and improve overall operational efficiency.
  • Scalability and growth: As your organization grows or acquires new assets, manual tracking methods become increasingly challenging. Asset management software provides scalability to accommodate a growing asset base. It allows you to easily add new assets, update information, and scale the system to meet evolving needs.

Overall, asset management software offers a systematic approach to managing assets leading to improved efficiency, a return on your investment, compliance, and informed decision-making. It helps organizations streamline operations, reduce risks, and maximize the value of their assets throughout their lifecycle.


How to Find the Best Asset Management System for Your Needs

Finding the right asset management system for your organization requires careful consideration and evaluation of your specific needs. Here are some steps you can follow to find the most suitable asset management system:

  • Identify your requirements: Start by understanding your organization's asset management needs. Consider factors such as the type and quantity of assets you need to manage, specific features and functionalities you require, integration with other systems, and any regulatory or compliance requirements. Make a list of your priorities and essential features.
  • Conduct a thorough assessment: Evaluate your current asset management processes and systems. Identify the pain points, challenges, and inefficiencies you are experiencing. Determine what improvements or enhancements you are looking for in an asset management system. This assessment will help you understand your specific requirements and guide your selection process.
  • Research available options: Explore different asset management software solutions available in the market. Look for reputable vendors with a track record of providing reliable and robust asset management systems. Read online reviews, check vendor websites, and seek recommendations from industry peers or professional networks.
  • Shortlist potential solutions: Narrow down your options based on your requirements and the features offered by the asset management systems. Create a shortlist of potential solutions that align with your needs.
  • Evaluate features and functionality: Review the features and functionalities offered by each shortlisted asset management system. Consider aspects such as asset tracking capabilities, maintenance management, reporting and analytics, integration with existing systems, scalability, ease of use, and customization options. Assess how well each system meets your requirements and aligns with your organizational goals.
  • Request demos and trials: Contact the vendors of the shortlisted asset management systems and request product demonstrations or trials. This will give you a hands-on experience of the software's user interface, functionality, and usability. It will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
  • Consider implementation and support: Assess the implementation process and ongoing support provided by the vendors. Understand the level of assistance available during the implementation phase, training options for your staff, and the availability of technical support or customer service.
  • Make an informed decision: Finally, based on your evaluation, compare the shortlisted asset management systems and select the one that best meets your requirements, aligns with your budget, and offers the highest potential for success. Ensure that the chosen system is scalable, adaptable to future needs, and can grow with your organization.

Remember, selecting an asset management system is an important decision and it's important to invest time and effort in the evaluation process. By following these steps, you can find the right asset management system that will meet your organization's needs.


Maintenance Connection CMMS by Accruent

When looking for the right enterprise asset management software for your business, Maintenance Connection CMMS is a top-rated choice that users love. Maintenance Connection is a powerful maintenance management system that allows users to consolidate their key data, automate day-to-day tasks and optimize critical SOPs and processes. Experience Maintenance Connection firsthand with a product walkthrough or contact us today to learn more.